
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Final Doubles Match

The final match of the doubles league was shot at Tyrone, Team three won the match led by Gene Patrick with a 42, Chris Spanik 35 and Andrew Tyler with a 32, The Gold team took second after a tie breaker using 4 scores to best team two, Gold team, Dick Golden 37, Bill Stever 33, Judith Zapsky 32, and John Mcmahon 30. Team two was led by Max Morbeto 37, Rich Zapsky 34, Jeff Cambridge 31 and Larry Burke 27.
The team standings ended with a tie for 1st place with team two and the Gold team ending up with 16 points and team three finished with 10 points.

The League Banquet will be held on Sunday December 15th at Uries Rib Shack in downtown Tyrone, Everyone who gave me your meal choice along with your spouse is ordered, Most of the Meals for the shooters eligible have been paid, you will get a meal ticket from me when you arrive, the few i didn't pay for (wanted a little wriggle room for no shows,) i will give you the money for the cost of your meal. Hope to see everyone there.

The Doubles league was well recieved and everyone had a good time, shooting it so late in the year with cold weather,snow etc took a bit of a toll on some shooters and we will have discussions in the spring about the league for next year.

I would like to thank all the clubs involved for the great job they did hosting the shoots this year, Once again thanks everyone and wishing you all the happiest of Hollidays. Dick.